Duplicate of my original post: https://troubleshoot-coltpython.blogspot.com/2013/11/bash-script-domain-expiration-check.html

This script checks if domain has expired and also supports e-mail notice. 

Original script is from Matt (domain-check). I modifed already modified script from Vivek (http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/domain-check-script.html).

List of changes:

– Added support for Slovenian (.si) domains.

– Added VAR for “mail from:”.
– Increased time between whois queries to 7 seconds (Slovenian whois only allows 10 queries per minute).
– Mail subject and mail data are translated to Slovene language.
– Changed default VAR path for mail (/bin/mail/ to /usr/bin/mail)

Get the script:

wget http://krejzi.si/files/domain-check;mv domain-check domain-check.sh;chmod +x domain-check.sh

Mirror: https://pastebin.com/pQe3RmDz


Usage: ./domain-check.sh [ -e email ] [ -x expir_days ] [ -q ] [ -a ] [ -h ] {[ -d domain_namee ]} || { -f domainfile}

  -a                                   : Send a warning message through email
  -d domain                            : Domain to analyze (interactive mode)
  -e email address                     : Email address to send expiration notices
  -f domain file                       : File with a list of domains
  -h                                   : Print this screen
  -s whois server                      : Whois sever to query for information
  -q                                   : Don't print anything on the console
  -x days                              : Domain expiration interval (eg. if domain_date < days)

Check single domain:

./domain-check.sh -d domain.si

Check single domain and send e-mail notice if domain will expire in less than defined in WARNDAYS:

./domain-check.sh -a -d domain.si

You can also check multiple domains. Create a file domains.txt and add your domains like:



Check multiple domains:

./domain-check.sh -f domains.txt

Check multiple domains and send e-mail notice if any domain will expire in less than defined in WARNDAYS:

./domain-check.sh -a -f domains.txt

Set your own parameters from command line. Next command will check domains in domains.txt with expiration date less than 60 days and send e-mail notice to admin@domain.si

./domain-check.sh -a -f domains.txt -e admin@domain.si -x 60 

If you are going to use this script with cron, use -q option or change QUIET=”FALSE” to QUIET=”TRUE”

Let’s say we want to run this script every day at 4 AM. Open crontab with crontab -e (Ubuntu) and add the following line:

0 4 * * * /path/to/your/script/domain-check.sh -q -a -f /path/to/your/list/domains.txt

Duplicate of original post: https://troubleshoot-coltpython.blogspot.com/2013/11/phpsysinfo-loading-slow-on-raspberrypi.html

Default installation of PhpSysInfo on RaspberryPI takes a long time to load due some missing programs and hardware components.

My system info:

Hardware: RaspberryPI Model B with 512MB RAM

OS: Raspbian GNU/Linux 7

Nginx version: 1.2.1-2.2+wheezy1

PHP version: 5.4.4-14+deb7u5

PhpSysInfo version: 3.0.17-1

Enable debug mode in /etc/phpsysinfo/config.php

define('PSI_DEBUG', true);

Open http://yoursitephpsysinfo/xml.php

I found the following errors:

<Error Function="find_program(lsb_release)">


program not found on the machine ./xml.php on line 45 ./includes/output/class.WebpageXML.inc.php on line 138 in function run() ./includes/xml/class.XML.inc.php on line 456 in function getXml() ./includes/xml/class.XML.inc.php on line 435 in function _buildXml() ./includes/os/class.OS.inc.php on line 70 in function getSys() ./includes/os/class.Linux.inc.php on line 576 in function build() ./includes/os/class.Linux.inc.php on line 527 in function _distro() ./includes/class.CommonFunctions.inc.php on line 117 in function executeProgram( "lsb_release", "-a 2>/dev/null", "", true )



<Error Function="/usr/bin/lspci">


pcilib: Cannot open /proc/bus/pci lspci: Cannot find any working access method. Return value: 1 ./xml.php on line 45 ./includes/output/class.WebpageXML.inc.php on line 138 in function run() ./includes/xml/class.XML.inc.php on line 456 in function getXml() ./includes/xml/class.XML.inc.php on line 435 in function _buildXml() ./includes/os/class.OS.inc.php on line 70 in function getSys() ./includes/os/class.Linux.inc.php on line 583 in function build() ./includes/os/class.Linux.inc.php on line 306 in function _pci() ./includes/class.Parser.inc.php on line 36 in function lspci() ./includes/class.CommonFunctions.inc.php on line 142 in function executeProgram( "lspci", "", "", true )



<Error Function="find_program(lsscsi)">


program not found on the machine ./xml.php on line 45 ./includes/output/class.WebpageXML.inc.php on line 138 in function run() ./includes/xml/class.XML.inc.php on line 456 in function getXml() ./includes/xml/class.XML.inc.php on line 435 in function _buildXml() ./includes/os/class.OS.inc.php on line 70 in function getSys() ./includes/os/class.Linux.inc.php on line 585 in function build() ./includes/os/class.Linux.inc.php on line 367 in function _scsi() ./includes/class.CommonFunctions.inc.php on line 117 in function executeProgram( "lsscsi", "-c", "", true )



<Error Function="file_exists(/proc/scsi/scsi)">


the file does not exist on your machine ./xml.php on line 45 ./includes/output/class.WebpageXML.inc.php on line 138 in function run() ./includes/xml/class.XML.inc.php on line 456 in function getXml() ./includes/xml/class.XML.inc.php on line 435 in function _buildXml() ./includes/os/class.OS.inc.php on line 70 in function getSys() ./includes/os/class.Linux.inc.php on line 585 in function build() ./includes/os/class.Linux.inc.php on line 367 in function _scsi() ./includes/class.CommonFunctions.inc.php on line 191 in function rfts( "/proc/scsi/scsi", "", 0, 4096, true )



First, third and fourth error are because some programs are not present on the system, let’s install them.

sudo apt-get install lsb-release lsscsi -y

Second error is due missing PCI bus on raspberryPI.

# lspci

pcilib: Cannot open /proc/bus/pci

lspci: Cannot find any working access method.

We can’t do anything about that but disable that function in PhpSysInfo PHP code. Open the file/your/path/to/phpsyinfo/includes/class.Parser.inc.php and find the lspci function.


     * parsing the output of lspci command


     * @return Array


    public static function lspci()


        $arrResults = array();

        if (CommonFunctions::executeProgram("lspci", "", $strBuf, PSI_DEBUG)) {

            $arrLines = preg_split("/\n/", $strBuf, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);

            foreach ($arrLines as $strLine) {

                list($strAddr, $strName) = preg_split('/ /', trim($strLine), 2);

                $strName = preg_replace('/\(.*\)/', '', $strName);

                $dev = new HWDevice();


                $arrResults[] = $dev;



        return $arrResults;


Change the code above to match the one bellow:


     * parsing the output of lspci command


     * @return Array


    public static function lspci()


        return array();

            $arrResults = array();

        if (CommonFunctions::executeProgram("lspci", "", $strBuf, PSI_DEBUG)) {

            $arrLines = preg_split("/\n/", $strBuf, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);

            foreach ($arrLines as $strLine) {

                list($strAddr, $strName) = preg_split('/ /', trim($strLine), 2);

                $strName = preg_replace('/\(.*\)/', '', $strName);

                $dev = new HWDevice();


                $arrResults[] = $dev;



        return $arrResults;


Disable debug mode in phpsysinfo config, save, reload, drink beer.

Duplicate of original post: https://troubleshoot-coltpython.blogspot.com/2013/11/ubuntu-fail2ban-fails-to-parse-apache.html

I was trying to setup Fail2ban to block WordPress login bruteforce attacks, but Fail2ban somehow failed to parse access.log

When parsing log file with command:

fail2ban-regex /var/log/apache2/access.log /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/apache-wp-login.conf

CPU rises to 100% usage until I kill the process. I made a quick fix – workaround with redirecting needed content from access.log to another log file.

My setup is as follows:

OS: Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS
Fail2ban: 0.8.6-3wheezy2build0.12.04.1
Python: 2.7.3-0ubuntu2.2

Fail2ban configuration:

 nano /etc/fail2ban/fail2ban.conf 
# Fail2Ban configuration file
# Author: Cyril Jaquier
# $Revision$


# Option: loglevel
# Notes.: Set the log level output.
# 1 = ERROR
# 2 = WARN
# 3 = INFO
# 4 = DEBUG
# Values: NUM Default: 3

loglevel = 4

# Option: logtarget
# Notes.: Set the log target. This could be a file, SYSLOG, STDERR or STDOUT.
# Only one log target can be specified.
# Values: STDOUT STDERR SYSLOG file Default: /var/log/fail2ban.log

logtarget = /var/log/fail2ban.log

# Option: socket
# Notes.: Set the socket file. This is used to communicate with the daemon. Do
# not remove this file when Fail2ban runs. It will not be possible to
# communicate with the server afterwards.
# Values: FILE Default: /var/run/fail2ban/fail2ban.sock
socket = /var/run/fail2ban/fail2ban.sock

We add a new entry for WordPress

Add configuration to /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf


enabled = true
port = http,https
filter = apache-wp-login
logpath = /var/log/apache2/apache-wp-login.log
maxretry = 3
findtime = 60

Now me make new filter for WordPress. Some servers logs are in different format so we have to make different regex entries. These are two most common configurations:

Log format example 1:

www.domain.si:80 - - [08/Nov/2013:13:20:46 +0100] "POST /en/wp-login.php HTTP/1.1" 200 1784 "http://www.domain.si/en/wp-login.php" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/31.0.1623.0 Safari/537.36"

Log format example 2: - - [08/Nov/2013:13:40:12 +0000] "POST /wp-login.php HTTP/1.1" 200 1756 "http://domain.wordpress.com/wp-login.php" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:25.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/25.0"

Create /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/apache-wp-login.conf

For log format example 1 use:

failregex = ^[^\:]+\:80 <HOST> .* "POST
ignoreregex =

ATTENTION! Don’t apply this filter to default access.log, it would block all POST request, not only WordPress. Only use it with modified log file we will create bellow.

For log format example 2 use:

failregex = <HOST>.*] "POST /wp-login.php

ATTENTION! Don’t apply this filter to log format example 1, it would block your own server, because <HOST> regex would match your domain (www.domain.si).

Now we create new log file for parsing (/var/log/apache2/apache-wp-login.log). We only want to filter out POST requests for wp-login.php and write them to new log file called apache-wp-login.log

tail --follow=name /var/log/apache2/access.log | grep --line-buffered wp-login.php &amp;amp;gt; /var/log/apache2/apache-wp-login.log &amp;amp;amp;

Add this command to /etc/rc.local so it would run at reboot:


#!/bin/sh -e
# rc.local
# This script is executed at the end of each multiuser runlevel.
# Make sure that the script will "exit 0" on success or any other
# value on error.
# In order to enable or disable this script just change the execution
# bits.
# By default this script does nothing.

# Fail2ban WordPress Login
tail -f /var/log/apache2/access.log | grep --line-buffered wp-login.php > /var/log/apache2/apache-wp-login.log &

exit 0
Restart Fail2ban and you’re done.

/etc/init.d/fail2ban restart